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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Yearbook Lesson for November 9th

Hey yearbook fans!  Here's your challenge for today.

In the 2012 Yearbook Practice Templates folder there's a new page called something like "2012 Halloween Trial" (I might not have the name quite right).

Open this page.  You'll notice it doesn't look anything like a Halloween page, so here's your task:

Before you start, save your page into your student folder and name it like this: NikkiHalloweenTrial (but use your own name, not mine).

1. Change the photos to Halloween pictures (look in the leadership folder)
2. Write a caption for each photo.  Make sure each caption has a lead in phrase.
3. Create your own headline (using the existing fonts).
4. Keep the copy and caption text black, but choose which colour to use for your headline, the big quote, the "You say" and the lead in phrases.  Don't use more than two different colours.
5. You can also change the green oval on the master to a different colour.  Right now it's grouped, so if you right click on it and choose "ungroup" you can make changes.
6.  The folio tabs at the bottom corners are pretty boring.  Try something interesting.

1.  The layout.
2.  The font size and type.
3.  The

Have fun!  I'm looking for our first yearbook page, so do your best work!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Yearbook Lesson for Oct 28

Last day we started re-creating a layout that we found on the yearbook.biz website.  Today, you will finish your layout paying particular attention to the following criteria.  Now that we are introducing some criteria, you may need to change the original layout design slightly to make it work.  It is most important to follow the criteria listed below even if it mean changing the layout.

This assignment is due on Thursday, November 3rd.  Be prepared to come in at lunch to finish if you get behind.


  1. Be sure there is 1 pica (or 0.5 pica) spacing between all objects.  
  2. All items must be lined up so their borders are even with each other.
  3. There cannot be any trapped white space in your layout.
  4. All photos must look into the gutter or directly out of the page.
  5. Put a drop shadow on 1 or 2 photos where it has the most impact.
  6. Create a headline.  Use a different text box for each colour, size, or type of font you use.
  7. All of your captions must follow these guidelines:
    1. Font: Arial, size 9, black, fill with placeholder text.
    2. Justified to the right on left hand pages and justified to the left on right hand pages
    3. Lead in phrases should be in a colour (but the lead in phrase should be the same colour for each caption.)
    4. Every photo must have a caption.
  8. Put one creative element onto your page;  for example, squares, circles, stripes, etc.   Place it on the MASTER.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Yearbook Lesson September 9

For this lesson, you will be learning how to write captions for photos.  This skill is critical for yearbook production because EVERY photo must have a caption.  

The link below will take you to the lesson.  After going through the lesson, you will find the assignment.  

Be sure to READ THE LESSON before starting the assignment.

Complete the assignment by typing your captions in an Open Office document.  Once you're done, print them off and hand them in.

Here's the link:

Friday, February 11, 2011

List Poem Maker

Go to the following address and read through the instructions.  While you're there, make a list poem from one of your lists, or if you've already made a list poem, make a new one.

You'll have to paste this into your address bar: