Welcome students and visitors...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

How to Write Captions

Yearbook Lesson - How to Write Captions
(Some of you started this last day.  Today you will continue with this lesson.  If you finish early open up your layout from last week and see what you can do to it.  Try putting in photos and text boxes.)  BUT before you do that...

For this lesson, you will be learning how to write captions for photos.  This skill is critical for yearbook production because EVERY photo must have a caption.  

The link below will take you to the lesson.  After going through the lesson, you will find the assignment.  

Be sure to READ THE LESSON before starting the assignment.

Complete the assignment by typing your captions in an Open Office document.  Once you're done, print them off and hand them in.

Here's the link:

Monday, May 28, 2012

Lollipop Leadership

Last week Ms. Gillis talked to the class about lollipop leadership.
She began by showing this clip:
Drew Dudley's Lollipop Leadership

Then Ms. Gillis asked students to reflect by answering these questions:
Reflection Questions

Answer the  questions in your own Google Doc and then share it with me using my email address 1canadian.woman@gmail.com

Monday, April 23, 2012

Taking the Lead

Hello Leadership Students.  Sorry I'm not there today, but I'm hoping you'll get along fine without me.  For your assignment today, I've got some good information for you to read and a job for you to do.

If you were asked to teach other kids about the risks of drug use, what would you say?  How much do you really know?  The TOC who is in for me today has a set of booklets titled, "Drug Facts for Young People."  It's an easy-to-read informative booklet that I'm hoping to use in other TAG classes.  

For this assignment, you will:
1. Work with a partner
2. Create a worksheet for students that highlights the most important information in the booklet
3. Return the booklets to the TOC unharmed in any way

What should the worksheet cover?  
It should focus on pages 17 - 35.  Find the most important information on these pages

What should be on the worksheet? 
It should be fun while getting students to learn.  Consider including the following ideas:
- matching
- true and false
- multiple choice
- fill in the blanks
- crossword puzzles

Be sure to put page numbers beside questions so students know where to look for answers. 

Try using this free crossword puzzle maker:
Crossword Puzzle Maker

I'm hoping you will learn some good information as you read through this booklet, and you'll also be able to create a product that will help other students to learn, too.  I'm hoping that you will be able to visit classes at some point this semester and deliver a lesson on drug facts.

Finally, your worksheet should be typed an printed.  You probably won't finish today, so be sure to save it where you can find it again - I would suggest using Google Docs and sharing it with your partner!  :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

End of Term 3 Evaluations and Information

Wow, can you believe that Term 3 is almost over?  It's time to evaluate the term and share some information with me...

First, create a Google document and include the following information...
1.  Type your name and the title "Term 3 Evaluation" at the top

2.  Re-name your document "Your Name Term 3 Evaluation"

3.  Use the term 3 evaluation rubric to give yourself a letter grade for each of the following areas and then record them on your document so they look like this:

Demonstration of Leadership - B
Attitude  - B
Assignment Completion  - A/B
Participation  -  C+
Teamwork  - B

4.  You've already told me about your participation in Diversity Week, what about your other contributions over the term?  Consider Valentines hearts, matchmaker sales, find-your-match day, Red and White day, Pink Shirt day, Pajama Day, Kay Bingham, Lunch distribution, other?

5.  What have you committed to do for Brock's Got Talent set-up?  If you haven't consider what role you might play to make sure the event goes off without a hitch.

6.  What effort mark would you give yourself for the term?

7.  Finally, at the bottom of your document, copy and past the url of your blog.  It should look something like mine:  www.1canadianwoman.blogspot.com

8.  NOW, share your document with me.  My email address is 1canadian.woman@gmail.com. Make sure I have the right to edit it.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Diversity Week Reflection for Leadership Students

Leadership students, please type your answers in a Google Document titled "Your Name's Diversity Reflection." When you're done, please share it with me using this email: 1canadian.woman@gmail.com.

Diversity Week – Assessment and Reflection

1.  Overall, what did you think of the week?

2.  What were some of the reasons we did Diversity Week?

3.  What was the impact of Diversity Week on our students and
school culture?

4.  What was your favourite part of the week and why?

5. What should we do differently next year and why?

6.  List all the things you did to help put on the week.

7.  What was the most valuable contribution that you made to
our efforts?

8.  What new skills or awareness did you gain from our activities
during Diversity Week?

9.  Which activity/presentation did you attend?

10.  Would you recommend inviting the same 
presentation or activity to return next year?  Why/why not?
11.  Do you have any other comments about Diversity Week?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Creating a Blog

So, I've asked my leadership 9 class to create blogs.  Many of them asked, "Why are we doing this?"

Good question.   I Googled the question, "Why blog?" and found this link:

Who knew there was a whole blogging world out there.  In fact, there are successful careers based on blogging.